Bericht: Correct head, corr. Pigment for the colour, corr. Ear, expration must be better, like to be more long neck, good chased, good front, exc. Bones, verry good topline, corr. Coat, woul like to be more better rear angulation, corr, tail, exc. Size, correct in movement
Bericht: Korr. Head, typ. Head, will be more bigger for male, exc. Size and bones, good front and chest, the shoulder upper arm, exc. Topline and group, corr. Tail, wold like more better rear angulation. Korr. Movement.
Bericht: Corr. Head, good expretion, exc. Colour, exc. Bones and size, woul like more chest, verry good topline, exc. Group, would like to have more rear angulation, cor. Tail, corr. movement
Bericht: Corr. Head, exc expration, typ. Head, corr. Ear, exc. Bones, middle size, would like more chest, would like more longer neck, exc. Topline and group, exc, rear angulation, cor. Tail, exc. Movement.
Bericht: Corr. Head, exc expration, typ. Head, corr. Ear, exc. Bones, middle size, would like more chest, would like more longer neck, exc. Topline and group, exc, rear angulation, cor. Tail, exc. Movement.
Bericht: Corr. head, typ. Head, would like have more stop, the earset are to high, good front would like more chest, exc. Bones and size, corr. Topline and group, would like to better rear angulation, corr. movement
Bericht: Typical head, exc. Pigment, exc. Front and bones, exc. Size, upper arm, good topline, would like more rear angulation, corr. Tail, exc. Movement,
Bericht: Typ. Nice head, exellent expration, exc. Bones and size, exc. Front and chest, corr. Neck and topline, corr. Tail, rear angulations, the middle size, exc. movement
Bericht: Corr. Head, exc. Bones and size, typ head, would like more neck, good front, would like more better rear angulation, verry good topline, corr. Tail, corr. movement
Bericht: Coor. Heat, typ head, exc experation, exc. Pigment, exc. Front and angulations, exc. Topline, would like more better group, corr. Tail, corr. Movement.
Bericht: Corr. Heat, typ nice head, exc,. Expretion, exc. Front, would like more neck, exc. Topline, would like better group, corr. Tail, corr. Movement.
Bericht: Corr heat, typ. Head, exce. Expretion, exc. Bones and size, exc. Pigment for this colour, verry good front, cor. Topline, would like better rear angulation, corr tail and coat, corr. movement
Bericht: Typ. Head, corr. Heat, exc colour, middle size, verry good bones, would like more neck, verry good front, exc. Topline and rear angulation, corr tail, corr. Movement.
Bericht: Korr. Heat, typ head, exc. Pigment, verry good front, ec neck, exc bones and size, verry good topline, little soft in the forefood, corr. Tail, verry good rear angulation, corr movement
Bericht: Corr heat, typ haed, nice expretion, exc. Neck, exc bones and size, verry good front, exc topline and rear angulation, corr tail, corr movement